To all my colleagues, friends, clients and business associates, it is time to reflect on the year that has past and to plan for the one that is coming. Wyndward Maritime’s first full year of existence has been exciting with many opportunities, some challenges, many new skills learned and a few hard lessons as well. You all have shown a lot of faith in a company that sometimes finds it hard to clearly describe itself. In fact many conversations have started along the lines of, “What does Wyndward Maritime do?…….. Actually I am not really interested, can you do this…….?” I am especially honoured that people have trusted me enough to call, no matter the day or the time, to have such a conversation. It is those conversations that bring the sweetest satisfaction when one is able to assist in any small way to bringing about a positive result. When I can assist a friend in need, it affirms to me that forming Wyndward Maritime was the right thing to do.
I am very lucky to have had work right up close to Christmas and that I am now able to be at home with my wife, children, parents and parents-in-law. It makes me think of those of my relationships who are at sea or away on project at this time of the year. To them I raise a glass and say “proost” or “cheers” as we are in industries that don’t stop for holidays, the weather or the tide.
I hope that you like the image that accompanies this missive as it was created by a local brewery for Wyndward Maritime. They delivered despite suffering a major fire at their premises just days after taking my order. My thanks go out to Matt and the crew at 4 Mile Brewing – “Thanks for sticking with my crazy idea.” Due to last minute travel, Santa Claus will have to make a second round early in the New Year to deliver the good cheer!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a safe and prosperous New Year to you all, from Philip, Sandra and of course Sasha – our Director of Health and Wellbeing – who made it on the beer etiquette.
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